Archive for kugan

Police brutality at its worst

Posted in Police with tags , , on January 24, 2009 by khookhoo

I posted this video just so that readers can see and hear the agony in A Kugan’s family over his death. The sad thing is this was death caused by the so called protectors and peacekeepers of the country.

Here’s another sad fact. Kugan is the perfect stereotype of police brutality cases. He is Indian, of (I’m assuming) not much educational background, has no rich family ties; and therefore the perfect bully case for the police.

The truth is, if this was a detainee of a different background, someone who in the eyes of the police had a more ‘respectable’ standing, the police would not dare to touch a hair on his or her head. They are easily intimidated, not daring to mistreat anyone who might be able to affect their chance of promotion or had the knowledge enough to know how to report any mistreatment.

Yes, the police know how to pick their victims. They pick the ones who they know will not cause much stir to the public, ie someone whose family may not have the means and connections to cause problems later on. Because they know and we know, only those who have money and power can get anything done in this country.

They picked Kugan I believe because of the fact that if he had survived the brutality and made a report, noone would take him seriously and eventually he would have to stop making a fuss. On the other hand, I bet they never expected him to die, and even if they did, it would be an easy case to dispose off since he’s just a ‘nobody’ to them.

I guess they forgot, he’s a somebody to his family, possibly even the light of someone’s life. And they just made a tragic hero out of him.

Now, no matter what he did or what crime he committed, nothing will overshadow the fact that the police; the protectors of the public, have created a crime more heinous than any murderer. Because of their power to detain and investigate, even greater their responsibility of ensuring the safety of the detainees. This was mindless bullying and an act of sadistic nature.