Politicians are from Hell, and Hell is right here in bolehland.

I remember a joke told to me, which ended with the punchline that hell is right here in Malaysia.

Today, the politicians proved this statement true to me. I’ve always been impartial to Pakatan Rakyat, I must admit before the GE 2008, however today I feel that politics in Malaysia is a hell hole.

First Anwar proudly announces during the CNY open house that 1 UMNO member is defecting. Then when UMNO kicks up a fast and wants to force his resignation for party-hopping, the PR side brushes this notion aside quickly, gleeful that they have one extra number.

Then when 2 PKR members and 1 DAP member join UMNO, suddenly PR wants to force their resignation too!

Hello? This seems like practicing double standards and not practicing what you preach. Worst of all, isn’t it obvious PKR fell directly into a trap well placed?

UMNO politicians are noted for their unscrupulous tactics when it comes to power grabbing. However, I must admit this time it is a very cunning and well played out plan.

First, get someone to feign crossing over to PKR allegedly angry with UMNO. Then, knowing that PR will defend this man’s right to continue in the seat since it means one extra seat for PR’s state government; laying the perfect foundation of shooting them with their own gun.

Now, when the 3 people defect, and this UMNO proxy returns, PR’s cries for re-election has backfired since they denied the need for one in the first place.

All I can say is, stupid stupid stupid! Stupid Anwar for opening his big fat mouth and talking about party defections. Looks like someone else stole your thunder DSAI. Also, stupid PR state government for falling for this trap. Serves you right for practicing double standards.

Stupid UMNO for allowing 2 people with corruption charges to join you, eventhough we know all of you are corrupt, now this just solidifies the fact that you’re all power hungry as well as desperate to allow any idiot to join your party as long as it benefits you.

And worse of all, STUPID ME, for thinking there may be politicians who may yet want to serve the people, and not look to politics as business and power grabbing opportunities. And throughout all these turmoil since March 8, who has talked the most sense? Weirdly, 2 UMNO men made their stand, unfortunately both are outcasts in their own way.

Tengku Razaleigh was right when he said politicking should stop, and focus should be on the governing and Zaid Ibrahim who remains strong to his principles, and left when he could not do anything to change the way things were.

Yeap, politics and politicians sounds like a badword now, especially in bolehland.

One Response to “Politicians are from Hell, and Hell is right here in bolehland.”

  1. some of our politicians can be “otak tak center” at times. perhaps they need some screwing tools.

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